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Pentecost Sunday Resources


-Visio Divina Exercise, Colouring Pages, Litany

On this Pentecost Sunday, we join with the global Christian church throughout the centuries to reflect on the Holy Spirit’s arrival to the early followers of Jesus, as depicted in Acts 2.

Throughout the Scriptures many different images are used to represent the Holy Spirit. These colouring pages represent four of these images: a dove, fire, water, and breath.


Come, Holy Spirit, 

the one who hovered over chaos and darkness

  with your nurturing presence of hope (Gen 1:2)

May we feel Your nurturing presence here, 

   amidst the chaos and darkness

     in our own lives.

Come, Holy Spirit, 

the one who carried signs of life 

  to those trapped in endless waiting (Gen. 8:11) 

May we, too, be met in our waiting, 

  with signs of your promise and life.

Come, Holy Spirit, 

the one who descended over the Son, 

   as an act of blessing and love (Matt 3:16)

May we receive your endless love and blessing, 

  which rests over each one of us.

Come, Holy Spirit, 

the one whose flames lit the bush,

   revealing the holy in the ordinary (Gen 3:2)

May You awaken our eyes 

 to see the sacred in this day, in this place.

Come, Holy Spirit, 

the one whose flames encompass, but do not devour

    (Gen 3:2, Dan. 3:23-25);

  who burns away the impurities, so as to refine the jewel     

    (Zech 13:9)

   May we too be refined; 

     may our pride, our anger, our envy and our fears

       be transformed to reveal 

        a better likeness of your image.

Come, Holy Spirit, 

 the one whose flames fall on both 

    men and women,

    young and old, 

    every tribe and every nation (Acts 2, Joel 2:28-32)

   May you too bring together 

      all those who are divided, 

       making us one 

        through the power of your Spirit. 

Come, Holy Spirit, 

 the one who contains an endless supply 

      of living water (John 7:37-39),

     ready to pour out on dry and thirsty lands 

          (Isaiah 44:3)

    May your water flow

    to the deepest corners and crevices of our lives,

bringing rest and refreshment to our spirits.

Come, Holy Spirit, 

 the one who baptizes,

  submerging our old selves into your presence,

    and raising us to join together with Christ 

       and the family of God (1 Cor. 12:13)

May you wash over us, cleanse us, 

  and uplift us to the new life 

    you have in store for us.

Come, Holy Spirit, 

 the one whose breath awoke the firstborn of    

      humanity (Genesis 2:7),

    inviting us into participation and relationship

      with all that you have made

 May we once again be awakened 

   to relationship, to love, 

   to care for, and to nurture 

   all creation, and all people.

Come, Holy Spirit, 

 The one who prophesied over the valley of those

   who had lost both hope and life. (Ezekiel 37)

Speak to our lifeless, hopeless, forgotten ruins. 

Bring your hope and life to our bones,

  that we may rise up 

   and proclaim your goodness. 

Come, Holy Spirit, 

we invite your hovering peace, your holy fire, 

  your living water, and your reviving breath 

     to rest on us, renew us, revive us, and energize us. 

May we encounter you today,

  Help us to respond to your leading.



This resource was created for Vineyard Canada in May 2020.

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